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Pastor's Reflection - Sept 29, 2024

Exercising The Gift of Prophecy

I have been talking about the gift of prophecy in my homilies and promised

to share with you the three steps in exercising this gift for the up building of

the Body of Christ (cf. 1 Corinthians 14:4).

Revelation: You start by praying in the Holy Spirit for a word from the Lord

to comfort, encourage, and edify. For example, as I was praying for

someone, I received the Scripture passage from Isaiah 65, which says the

Lord wants to do something new. Please note that you don’t have to

receive a Scripture passage; sometimes the Lord will give you an image or


Interpretation: After receiving the revelation, you then begin praying to the

Holy Spirit to help you interpret what you received. What does what I just

received mean for the person I am praying with, and how can it help them

in their journey with the Lord? Take time with this step and remember you

are stepping out in faith and trying to show forth the goodness of God. If

you don’t achieve 100% clarity, that’s okay. The Lord will bless and honor

your intention to reach out and strengthen a fellow brother or sister in

Christ. Faith, love, and humility are essential for exercising the charisms of

the Holy Spirit.

Application: The last step involves “speaking the truth in love” (Ephesians

4:15) and seeking a practical way to help the person receive and integrate

what you have received through this gift. For example, when I did this

exercise with a woman and received the Isaiah 65 passage about the Lord

wanting to do something new, I said, “The Lord gave me Isaiah 65, and I

would invite you to prayerfully consider that God wants to do some new

and exciting things in your life. The Lord makes all things new! Also, if there

are past events (trauma, sin, etc.) that are holding you back, ask the Holy

Spirit to help you move forward and let go of any self-condemnation so that

you can embrace the new things the Lord wants to do in your life.”

One last thing to remember is that whether or not you receive immediate

affirmation for what you shared, a seed was planted, and you reached out

to a brother or sister with the intention of encouraging them. Scripture says

that we should encourage one another while it is still today (cf. Hebrews


Think about how this gift can help people struggling with depression and

doubt, or those who find life difficult and burdensome. Consider how

parents can be a wonderful source of encouragement to their children in

turning to the Lord for help with all of the challenges they face if they seek

this gift. Many of our young people experience putdowns from their peers

and on social media. The Holy Spirit is the Lord and giver of life and always

brings hope to us and confidence in God’s plan for our lives.

Our world is filled with toxic and harmful words that tear people down rather

than build them up (cf. Ephesians 4:29). Through the gift of prophecy, we

can speak words of comfort and edification to strengthen each other,

trusting that God is working all things for our good!


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