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Pastor's Reflection Jan. 26, 2025

The Power of Purpose: Jesus’ Mission and Ours

In the Gospel of Luke, we find a moment that is both profound and deeply personal. Jesus, having returned to Galilee "in the power of the Spirit," enters his hometown of Nazareth. As was his custom, he goes to the synagogue on the Sabbath, a place of worship, reflection, and teaching. There, he unrolls the scroll of the prophet Isaiah, and reads aloud these words:

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,because he has anointed meto bring glad tidings to the poor.He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captivesand recovery of sight to the blind,to let the oppressed go free,and to proclaim a year acceptable to the Lord.”

Jesus then sits down and, with a calm yet powerful declaration, says, “Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.”

This moment in Nazareth is not just about Jesus revealing his identity; it’s a powerful statement about what the mission of God is all about. Jesus, empowered by the Spirit, is announcing a new reality—a mission that seeks to transform lives, heal brokenness, and bring justice to the oppressed.

When Jesus proclaims that the Spirit is upon him, he is not just revealing his own calling, but inviting us into that same mission. For each of us who follow him, his words are not just a declaration of past action but an ongoing call to action.

A Mission of Compassion

The first part of Jesus’ mission is to bring “glad tidings to the poor.” This doesn’t only mean material poverty but also spiritual poverty—the deep longing for meaning, for purpose, for connection with God. Jesus’ message is one of hope, one that speaks into the emptiness of our lives and offers the fullness of God’s love.

He continues: “to proclaim liberty to captives, and recovery of sight to the blind.” How many of us feel imprisoned by our fears, our habits, or our past mistakes? Jesus promises freedom—a freedom that comes from truth, grace, and forgiveness. He also speaks to the spiritual blindness that prevents us from seeing the goodness of God’s work in our lives. When we follow Jesus, our eyes are opened to a new way of seeing—seeing the world with compassion, seeing others with kindness, and seeing ourselves as beloved children of God.

A Call to Action

Finally, Jesus declares that he has come “to let the oppressed go free” and “to proclaim a year acceptable to the Lord.” In Jesus, we see the very heart of God—a heart that longs for justice, equality, and peace. His call is a radical invitation to align our lives with God’s kingdom, where the marginalized are given dignity, where peace replaces conflict, and where grace is extended to all.

Just as Jesus was sent in the power of the Spirit, so are we. We are not called to sit idly by while suffering and injustice persist. We are called to stand up for those who are hurting, to be agents of healing, and to proclaim the Good News to those who need it most.

As we go about our lives, we must remember that Jesus’ mission is not just something he did in the past—it is a living, breathing mission that continues through us. The Spirit of the Lord is upon us too. We, like Jesus, are anointed to bring glad tidings, to proclaim liberty, and to offer sight and freedom to those who need it most.

The Mission is Ours

This passage reminds us that Jesus’ purpose is now our purpose. It’s a call to be active participants in God’s mission in the world—to bring hope to the hopeless, light to the darkness, and freedom to the oppressed. In every act of kindness, in every moment of service, and in every word of truth we speak, we are fulfilling the very mission Jesus set forth.

Let’s reflect today on this calling: How are we being called to fulfill this mission in our own lives? How can we bring God’s love and justice into our communities? And how can we, like Jesus, live “in the power of the Spirit,” trusting that the mission of God is still very much alive, in us and through us?

May we answer the call with boldness and faith, knowing that the Spirit of the Lord is upon us, just as it was upon Jesus, to bring transformation and hope to a world that desperately needs it.

in Christ,

Fr James Northrop, Pastor


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