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Pastor's Reflection - Jan 19th, 2025

As we continue our journey with the Partners in the Gospel initiative, the role of the Parish Family Advisory Council (PFAC) becomes even more critical in shaping the future of our parish family. This council serves as a key consultative body, working closely with the pastor to create a unified One Parish Plan that will guide our mission and structure as we move toward becoming one canonical parish.

What is the Parish Family Advisory Council?

The Parish Family Advisory Council (PFAC) is made up of parishioners from each of the parishes within the parish family. These individuals are chosen to represent a diverse cross-section of our community, ensuring that the perspectives and needs of all members are considered. The council is tasked with advising the pastor on important decisions related to Partners in the Gospel, including changes that impact our parish family, shared events, and opportunities for collaboration across parishes.

Above all, the PFAC’s focus is on the health of the entire parish family. While individual parishes may have distinct needs, the council's work is rooted in looking at the bigger picture—ensuring that our collective efforts strengthen the mission and vitality of all our communities, rather than just focusing on individual parish concerns.

The council’s primary responsibility is to guide the creation of the One Parish Plan, a strategic pastoral plan that will be submitted to the archbishop. This plan is a critical step in the restructuring process, paving the way for our eventual unification as one canonical parish.

Key Roles and Responsibilities

The PFAC will be involved in many facets of this journey:

  • Consultation on Parish Family Matters: The council will provide feedback and guidance on changes impacting the parish family, such as shared events and cross-parish collaboration.

  • Creation of the One Parish Plan: This document, submitted to the archbishop, outlines the strategic direction for our future. The PFAC will play a pivotal role in helping shape and refine this plan.

  • Discernment Process: The PFAC will ensure that the necessary discernment processes are in place to ensure the plan reflects the collective needs and hopes of all parish communities.

Council Composition and Mechanics

The PFAC will be comprised of 9-12 people, with a minimum term of three years (renewable as needed). The members will represent the age, ethnic, cultural, and economic diversity of the parish family, ensuring a broad range of perspectives.

Key characteristics of the council members include:

  • A diversity of skills and expertise, including backgrounds in ministry, service, finance, properties, and strategic planning.

  • Representatives from schools and other parish ministries, ensuring that all aspects of parish life are considered.

  • A commitment to representing the entire parish family, rather than advocating solely for their individual parish, interest, or ministry.

This approach ensures that the PFAC is a holistic and balanced body, focused on the overall health and future of the parish family as a whole.

Support for the Parish Family Advisory Council

The PFAC will not be working in isolation. They will have the support of two key groups:

  1. Parish Family Leadership Team (PFLT): This team, formed by the pastor, will include staff members (or volunteers, where staff is unavailable) who will help facilitate the Partners in the Gospel process. They will be responsible for implementing the activities outlined in the One Parish Plan and providing logistical support to the PFAC. This team will also be involved in organizing public events and guiding the council through its work sessions.

  2. Parish Liaisons: Hired by the Archdiocese of Seattle, Parish Liaisons will serve as local experts and guides for the Partners in the Gospel initiative. These liaisons will provide technical support, answer questions, and offer suggestions, helping the PFAC stay on track. While they will assist in facilitating discussions, it’s important to note that the liaisons will not be responsible for the day-to-day tasks involved in creating the One Parish Plan.

Moving Forward Together

As we embark on this next phase of our Partners in the Gospel journey, the Parish Family Advisory Council will be instrumental in guiding us toward a unified future. We encourage all members of our parish family to support this process, pray for the members of the PFAC, and engage with them as they work to ensure our collective vision is realized.

This is an exciting time for our parish family—one that holds the promise of greater collaboration, growth, and mission. Together, with the guidance of the PFAC and the support of our leadership teams, we will continue to walk forward in faith and unity, ready to embrace the future that God has prepared for us.

in Christ,

Fr. James Northrop, Pastor


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