Spiritual Maturity & The Grace of Baptism
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
As we continue our journey through the liturgical year, it’s a good time to reflect on the meaning and power of baptism—not just as a sacrament of initiation, but as the gateway to the life in the Holy Spirit. The Church teaches that Baptism is essential for salvation, but it is also much more than a simple ritual; it is the beginning of a lifelong relationship with God.
In the early days of the Church, Baptism was typically administered to adults who had made a conscious, mature choice to follow Christ. They approached the waters of Baptism as an act of faith, a free and intentional decision to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. Today, however, we often baptize infants, whose parents and godparents stand in for them as the primary professors of faith. While this is beautiful and necessary, there is a tendency to overlook the personal and conscious proclamation of faith that Baptism initially represented.
This is where the concept of the Baptism in the Spirit comes into play. The Baptism in the Spirit is not a separate sacrament, but it is an important experience that can “reactivate” and renew the grace of our original Baptism. This is not a new sacramental rite, but rather a deeper openness to the Holy Spirit that allows the baptized person to fully embrace the Christian life.
The Baptism in the Spirit invites us to make a personal and mature response to God's call. It’s as if a light switch is turned on, allowing the full power of the Spirit to flow freely in our lives. When we are open to the Spirit, we experience a transformation that renews our faith, empowers our prayers, and strengthens our witness. Just as Jesus was unable to perform miracles in Nazareth due to the lack of faith (Mt. 13:58), we too may find that our lives feel stagnant or lacking in the power of God when we do not actively choose to live in the fullness of the Spirit.
Baptism is not a one-time event but a lifelong process of growing in the grace and knowledge of God. When we make a personal choice to embrace the Holy Spirit, we unlock the gifts that were given to us at Baptism and allow them to flow freely in our lives. This is where true Christian maturity begins—when we, by the grace of God, respond wholeheartedly and actively to the gift of salvation and make a conscious decision to say, “Jesus is Lord.”
As we begin this new year, let us examine our own hearts and our own relationship with the Holy Spirit. Have we fully opened ourselves to the grace of Baptism? Are we actively living out our faith in a way that allows the Holy Spirit to flow freely in our lives? Let us pray for a renewed outpouring of the Spirit, so that we might experience the fullness of life that God desires for each of us.
In Christ,
Fr. James Northrop