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Nothing Is Impossible For God

4th Sunday of ADVENT

Dec 24, 2023 2 Sam. 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a,16; Rom 16:25-27; Lk 1:26-38.

“…For nothing is impossible for God…”

Today’s readings focus on the circumstances leading up to the first coming of

Jesus, which sets the pattern for his coming to us now and at the end of time. The

Gospel stresses the key role of Mary in the work of our salvation. The focus of

today’s liturgy is the Davidic covenant, the promise of a throne that will last forever, which appears in the 1st reading, in the Resp. Psalm, and in the Gospel, where the angel Gabriel announces to Mary that “Behold, you will conceive and bear a son, and you shall call him Jesus…For nothing is impossible for God…”

Today’s Gospel surprises us by telling us that this King would be born to an

ordinary virgin, not by means of sexual relationship, but through the Holy Spirit,

and that the Son of God, Jesus, would become Incarnate as a descendant of


Life Message: Nothing is Impossible for God! Mrs. Marie Norton of Elmira, New

York, died in the fall of 1951, admired and praised by all who had known her.

Before she had any children, she was afflicted with cancer, and physicians advised

her against becoming pregnant. But Marie decided to ignore advice and leave

matters in God’s hands. She went ahead and brought ten children into the world,

and they were healthy children. Had Marie’s malady vanished? By no means.

For thirty-five years she was under treatment and radiation. Forty-two times

she went under the surgeon’s knife.

After Marie’s death her son-in-law’s mother wrote a letter to the paper in praise

of Mrs. Norton. “As I observed her giving, besides services, joy and sunshine …

to us all, it has left me with a new reverence, a feeling that I have witnessed

something this sick world needs today… an assurance that God does hear and

answer those who love and trust Him.

”Yes, He hears, and He gives us of Himself: the supreme Christmas gift is His

beloved Son. “… For nothing is impossible with God” (Luke, 1:37).

Conclusion: We need to try to learn God’s plan for our lives: The Good News in

today’s Scripture message is not only that God is making provision for the

salvation of His people, but also that He has a plan for each individual person. In

many cases, our work for God seems rather ordinary, but each ordinary task

which we carry out fits into God's plan in ways that we cannot yet understand.

God desires not only the skill of our hands and talents but the love of our

hearts. The Babe in the Manger reminds us of what God has done and is still

doing for us. What are we doing for Him in return? Let us show our gratitude to

God by living as true followers of Christ: “Behold, here I am, Lord! I come to do

Your will.” Therefore, like Mary, we need to say a courageous and generous

“yes” to God, because we are assured that indeed “Nothing is impossible for God.


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