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Pastoral Council
"The pastoral council’s purpose is to be a sign and witness of unity, to recommend parish priorities and directions, to promote community, and to assist the pastor in pastoral planning. The pastoral council is a consultative leadership body of parishioners that advises and makes recommendations to the pastor" (Many Gifts: Consultative Leadership, p. 16)
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our purpose!

We want to hear from you.
Share Your Feedback with the St. Barbara Pastoral Council
Your insights help us understand what’s working well and identify areas where we can grow together as a parish. Whether you’re offering suggestions for liturgies, parish events, faith formation, or other aspects of parish life, your voice is invaluable in helping us build a stronger community centered on faith.
Your feedback will be compiled and shared with the council for review. We are committed to prayerfully considering your suggestions and taking action where possible.
Thank you, and God bless you!
The Council
Click Here for Google Form
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