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Come serve Christ and His church. Engaging with the parish community helps others as well as your own faith. Find a way to encounter Christs' love in other ways. We have many groups for participation, service to the community, including liturgy and worship. Bring your talents and an open heart.

Let's grow.

Unless otherwise noted, please contact the parish office directly at if you wish to serve. 


Church Ministries serve our congregation to encounter Christ through an impactful worship and liturgical experience.


Advisory Councils are formal groups giving guidance and supporting operations for the church body and building.


Supporting Ministries encourages life enrichment opportunities to grow as disciples of Christ through various means of service and fellowship by tapping into church members' time and talents. 

Church Ministries

Church Ministries

Altar Server

What does an Altar Server do?

• Arrive 15 minutes before mass to prepare
• Light the candles in the sanctuary
• Lead the procession as a cross bearer or candle holder
• Set the altar for the consecration
• Receive the gifts of bread and wine
• Assist Father during the act of consecration
• Ring the bells
• After communion replace the sacred vessels
• Lead everyone out of the church at the end of mass
• On special occasions you will assist Father with holy water and holding the liturgical books

Altar Servers assist the clergy in celebrating the Sacred Liturgy, especially the sacrifice of the Holy Mass. Altar serving is a wonderful way to advance in spiritual life and grow in vocational awareness. An altar server must be a practicing catholic and have received the sacrament of the Eucharist. There will be a training period with an experienced altar server. Mass times to serve are on Saturday at 5 PM, Sunday at 8 AM or 10 AM. Altar server roles are scheduled a month in advance. Some holy days and special celebrations may require attendance at different times. Please message if interested. View brochure. 


What does an Ambassador do?

Greet those entering

Help find seats for everyone

Assist in an emergency

Participate in the offertory collection
Identify someone to bring the gifts of bread and wine to the altar
Guide the distribution of communion
See to the safety and care of those in attendance
Ring the church bells

An Ambassador Minister must: be a practicing catholic in a state of grace and not conscious of an unconfessed mortal sin, have gifts and skills in public communication, have a love and reverence for the church and its people, understand there are no stereotypes, acknowledge they are hosts who put a face onto the parish, and actively welcome those who arrive and begin the process of forming the congregation as a worshiping body of God. View brochure.

Art and Environment

Decorate the sanctuary in celebration of the liturgical seasons. Work closely with Father to plan out the colors, music and themes throughout the liturgical year.

Eucharistic Minister

What does a Eucharistic Minister do?

• After the consecration, they distribute the body and blood of Christ to the parish community present at the mass
• They are watchful that those receiving the body and blood of Christ are respectful and honoring of communion
• Have reverence for the Eucharist in all the practices they do

A Eucharistic Minister must be a practicing catholic, in a state of grace, and not conscious of an unconfessed mortal sin. A Eucharistic Minister must be fully initiated into the sacramental life of the Church, and received the Sacraments of, Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist and not prevented by canon law to serve (e.g., in a marriage not recognized by the church) Please message if interested. View brochure.

Faith Formation Teachers

Lead and instruct in Faith classes for Pre-K thru 12th grade. Time commitment varies. All volunteers are required to complete the Safe Environment training on Virtus. Consider taking a supporting role to aide Faith Formation leaders. 

Homebound Ministers

Bring communion to those unable to attend mass.


What does a Lector do?

• Proclaims the first or second reading during the Liturgy of the Word
• Delivers the weekly announcements to parishioners
• Leads the Universal Prayer also known as the Prayers of the Faithful
• During special liturgies may lead the faithful in prayer

A Lector Minister must be a practicing catholic in a state of grace and not conscious of an unconfessed mortal sin, have gifts and skills in public communication and reading, have a love and reverence for the Sacred Scriptures and engage in some form of regular study of them, understand the importance of this ministry and appreciate the need for study and preparation, as well as the ministry’s connection to Christian life and practice. Please message if interested. View brochure.

We use the gift of voice and instrument to lead the parish community in liturgical celebrations through music. See if your gifts can be used here and send a message to or visit our webpage here to learn more.

Altar Serve
Art and Environment
Eucharistic Minister
Faith Formaton Teachers
Homebound Ministers
Music Ministry
Advisory Councils

Advisory Councils

Finance Council
Finance Council

Assist the priest and parish through financial matters. 

Pastoral Council

A consultative body who works with the Pastor and parish to develop a common vision and purpose for the Parish. Learn who is currently serving on our Webpage.

Pastoral Council
Supporting Ministries

Supporting Ministries

Marriage Enrichment
Faith Formation Support
IT Support
Faith Formation Support

Help and support faith formation classes and special events. Examples included: chaperone, copy/cut/collate VBS supporting materials and props, and Advent/Lent seasonal needs. Time commitment varies. All volunteers are required to complete the Safe Environment training on VirtusConsider being a leader for Faith Formation Classes.


Assist the parish by keeping up the lawns, trees, and shrubs on the parish grounds. 

IT Support

Assist the parish with IT needs including website, social media, and computer issues. 

The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal society. The order has the founding principles of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. The Knights offers social and intellectual fellowship among members and their families through educational, charitable, religious, and social welfare. The St. Barbara Knights participate in many activities in the parish church and the greater community. Some of the programs our Knights participate in are Coats for Kids, Tootsie Roll Drive to raise money for Special Olympics, blood drives, Keep Christ in Christmas, RSVP program to help seminarians, Food for Families, Scholarship program for graduating high school seniors, and Building the Domestic Church to name a few. Monthly meetings are held the third Monday of each month in the Parish Hall beginning at 7:00 PM.  Visit our website to learn more.

Our Marriage Enrichment Ministry is dedicated to strengthening and supporting marriages within our parish community. Through events, resources, and retreats, we provide opportunities for couples to grow in faith, deepen their connection, and build a strong foundation for their vocation. Join us as we journey together in fostering Christ-centered marriages! Visit our Page.

Prayer Shawl

Prayer Shawl Ministry members share their talents by knitting or crocheting prayer shawls which are then given to anyone who is in need of comfort. These prayer shawls are prayerfully made with love and then blessed by Fr. Jim. Anyone needing a prayer shawl for themselves or for a family member or friend is welcome to take a prayer shawl. Prayer shawls can be pick up at the Parish Office and are also available after mass. The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 9:30 AM in the parish office. All are welcome to attend.

PREPARES (Pregnancy and Parenting Support), an initiative of our state's bishops, is our parish's outreach to families in the Black Diamond community who have children 5 and under.


Our PREPARES volunteers provide essential needs like diapers, wipes and clothing to families of all faiths and backgrounds, supporting them as they nurture their children from pregnancy through early childhood. Opportunities are available for volunteers who would like to be a family companion, providing support and friendship to parents. Training is provided. 

The Welcoming Ministry focuses on new and different ways to welcome visitors and new parishioners to our parish as well as promoting ways to help all parishioners come to know one another. We occasionally coordinate small refreshment gatherings after Mass and introductions during Mass. This is a wonderful ministry for those new to the parish to become involved by sharing how we can successfully welcome visitors and see themselves at home at St. Barbara parish. We also create welcome packets for visitors and conduct welcome calls upon receiving new parish registrations. The time commitment is minimal and can be as much or as little as members are able to commit.

We are currently inviting members of the church to extend their welcome by creating a place for mass attendees to mingle between services. Come help set up donuts and become part of a growing community that serves others. Reach out and let us know if you would like to help. 

Sign up to help serve donuts HERE!

Our women's ministry at St. Barbara’s Catholic Church aims to cultivate a loving community where women can grow spiritually, build meaningful relationships, and invite others. Grounded in Catholic teachings, we inspire women to live out their vocation with humility and grace, and be a beacon of Christ's love in the world.

Take at look at our homepage for upcoming events.

Youth Choir

Join us for youth choir throughout the year. We practice every other Sunday after the 10am mass and perform during special liturgical celebrations. Message to join. 

Knigts of Columbus
Prayer Shawl
Welcome Commitee
Wmens Group
Youth Choir

Let's Grow Together

"To fall in love with God is the greatest romance; to seek Him the greatest adventure; to find Him, the greatest human achievement."

-St. Augustine of Hippo

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