1903 Our Lady of the Rosary was built in Franklin, Father Fafara is assigned as pastor there along with its mission parish, St. Barbara in Black Diamond
1908 Fr. Aloysius Millnar is assigned priest for Black Diamond
1909 April 25, Abocedo Ciavarro is the first Baptism recorded in Black Diamond
1910 October 23, Bishop O'Dea dedicates St. Barbara Church
1914 St. Aloysius parish in Ravensdale established but only lasted about 18 months due to a tragic mining disaster that resulted in the decline of Ravensdale Holy Cross in Taylor, WA dedicated (Stations of the Cross now displayed at St. Barbara)
1915 St. Barbara Church mortgage retired
1916 The Benedictines of St. Martin's in Lacy supply priests for St. Barbara
1938 Benedictine Sisters from St. Placid in Lacey start organized religious education at St. Barbara until 1944
1942 War shortages and fewer priests cause the Benedictines to return parish to Archdiocesan priest staffing
1946 The Dominican Sisters take over religious education until 1959
1952 Fr. John McLoughlin a Maryknoll priest returns from China to become pastor
1957 Fr. Horan purchases land that the new (1998) church was built on
1966 June 18, the new Parish Hall was dedicated by Archbishop Connolly
1973 The parish and Fr. Dick Mitchell undertake structural upgrades to aging parish facilities
1975 September 24, 1975, Archbishop Hunthausen's first priest assignment stations Fr. Charles Palluck at St. Barbara
2009 With the retirement of Fr. Chuck Palluck in 2009, Fr. David Young becomes the pastor of St. Barbara
2013 Fr. Dave Rogerson becomes the Pastor
2021 July 1 Fr. Anthony Davis arrives as Pastor
2024 Feb 3rd, St. Barbara Church joined Sacred Heart (Enumclaw) & St. Aloysius (Buckley) to form Parish Family #32
2024 July Fr. Jim Northrop and Fr. Steve Woodland become Pastor's of Parish Family #32